Browse Abstracts
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AS01 - Mesoscale Meteorology and High Impact Weather
AS02 - Atmospheric Chemistry in Highly Polluted Environments: Emissions, Fates, and Impacts
AS03-IG07 - Climate Change and Tropical Climatic Hazards in Asia Oceania
AS04 - Monsoons Over South and East Asia: Variability, Tele-connections, Predictability and Change
AS05 - El Niño Complexity and Change
AS06 - Understanding Observed Trends in Mean Climate and Extremes
AS07 - Indo-Pacific Climate Variability and Its Teleconnection to Southern Hemisphere
AS08 - The Science and Prediction of Tropical Cyclones
AS10 - Measurements of Organic Aerosols in the Atmosphere with the Application of State-of-the-art Technology
AS11 - Weather Extremes in Past, Present, and Future Climates
AS12 - Passive and Active Sensing of the Chemistry and Dynamics of the Middle and Upper Atmosphere
AS13 - Aviation Meteorology
AS14 - Madden-Julian Oscillation and Its Global Impacts
AS15 - Role of Urbanization on Weather and Climate of Cities
AS18 - Impact of Aerosols on Hydro-climate-cryosphere System
AS19 - Composition and Transport of Aerosols and Trace Gases Associated with the Asian Monsoon Circulation: Simulations and Observations
AS20 - Mesoscale and Orographic Effects on Airflow, Precipitation and Weather Systems
AS21 - Formation of Air Pollution and Its Interactions with Weather/climate
AS22 - Middle Atmosphere Sciences
AS23 - The Interdisciplinary Science of Haze in Highly Polluted Environments: Bridging Chemistry, Physics, Meteorology, Measurements, Models, Analytics, and Impacts Across Space and Time
AS25 - Polar Climate Changes and Their Influence on Asia
AS26 - Advances in Understanding Moist Processes in Atmospheric Circulation and Climate
AS27 - Air Quality Modeling, Forecasting, and Data Assimilation
AS28 - Advances in Data Assimilation for Air Quality and High-impact Weather in a Changing Climate
AS29 - East-Asian Climate:Interannual Variability and Prediction
AS30 - Earth System Models: Development, Validation, Uncertainty, and Applications
AS31 - Understanding and Modeling Climate Impacts of Anthropogenic Land Use Change
AS32 - Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation in Observations and Weather and Climate Models
AS33 - Cloud-aerosol-precipitation Interactions and Their Parameterizations in the Context of Weather and Climate
AS34 - 13th Sasaki Symposium on Data Assimilation for Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Hydrologic Applications
AS35 - Subseasonal-to-seasonal (s2s) Prediction: Challenges and Opportunities
AS36 - Application of Cloud-resolving Model Simulations for Studying Cloud-related Processes in Climate
AS37 - Mesoscale Processes and Local Severe Storms
AS38 - Extreme Events: Observations and Modeling
AS39 - Modeling Across Scales from Global to Convection-permitting: Weather, Climate, and Air Quality
AS40 - Extreme Weather Resiliency: Prediction and Response Strategies
AS41 - Regional Climate Downscaling and Cordex: Challenges and Prospects
AS44 - High-resolution Global and Regional Modeling for Weather and Climate
AS45 - Light-absorbing Carbon (lac): Observation, Modelling, and Its Climate Effects
AS46 - Observations and Modeling for the Effects of Short-lived Climate Pollutants on Air Quality and Climate in East Asia
AS47 - Application of Satellite Data to Weather and Climate Study
AS48 - Earth System Predictability, Prediction and Projection
AS49 - Urban Climate
AS53 - Forcing, Feedback and Climate Sensitivity
AS54 - Precipitation: Science and Application of Satellite Data
AS55 - Air Pollution, Greenhouse Gases and Emissions in Asia and Its Interactions with the World
AS56 - Greenhouse Gas Monitoring of Urban Areas: Current Capabilities, Challenges, and Future Needs
AS57 - Air Quality and Cloud Observations from Next Generation of Satellites- Breaking the Temporal Barriers
AS60 - Progress and Challenge in Light Scattering and Radiative Transfer of Clouds and Aerosols
AS61 - Large Ensemble Modeling as a Tool for Climate Dynamics and Impacts Research
AS62 - Coupled Climate Dynamics of Relevance to Understand Climate Change: Roles of Circulation, Clouds, and the Hydrological Cycle
AS63 - Asian Precipitation Experiment: Process and Predictability of Asian Hydroclimate System
AS66 - Characteristics of Air Pollution Assessment, Modeling, Meteorological Effect and Reduction in Global, Regional and Local Areas
AS68 - Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Information Systems: Observation, Modeling and Application
AS72 - High-impact Weather: Extreme and Lightning
AS74 - Mini Tutorial for Ensemble Data Assimilation and the Data Assimilation Research Testbed
AS75 - Climate Prediction: Skills and Errors on Climate Drivers and Response, and Extremes
AS76 - Space-based Observations, Remote Sensing, and Modeling of Asian Tropospheric Composition
BG01 - Mesozoic Ecosystems in East Asia
BG02 - Organic Matter Dynamics in Continental and Marine Environments: Recent Development of Analytical Techniques and Applications
BG05 - Arid Lands Restoration and Combat of Desertification
BG06 - Remote Sensing of Essential Climate Variables and Its Applications
BG07 - Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics and Their Responses to Climate Change and Human Activity
BG08 - Elucidating Elemental Cycling from Land to Ocean- Importance of Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles
BG09 - Biogeosciences General Session
BG10 - Understanding Biogeochemical Cycles in the Earth System: from Local to Regional and Global Scales
BG11 - Biogeochemistry of Persistent Contaminants and Nutrients in Terrestrial and Aquatic Systems
BG12 - Land-sea-air Interactions and Paleoclimate Dynamics Over the Asia-pacific Region on Various Time-scales Since the Last Glacial Maximum
BG13 - Biogeochemical Cycles and Interactions Among Atmosphere, Terrestrial Ecosystem, River, Lake, Estuary, and Ocean
BG20 - Arsenic and Other Hazardous Elements in Potable Water: Source and Sinks, Human Health Impacts, Treatment Systems, and Policy Making
HS01 - Hydrology for Human-nature Coupled Systems
HS02 - Challenges in Hydrologic Modeling
HS03 - Artificial Intelligence for Model and Data Integration in Hydrology
HS04 - Exploration of Atmospheric Water Resources
HS06 - Wetland Ecohydrology and Water Resource Management
HS07 - Hydrological Processes in Agricultural Lands Under Changing Environments
HS08 - Groundwater Exploitation, Hydrology, Contamination and Remediation
HS09 - Hydrometeorology
HS10 - Land and Water Management for Sustainability
HS11 - The Third Pole Environment - Hydrometeorological Processes and Human Dimension
HS12 - Satellite Remote Sensing for Water Cycle Studies: Sciences and Societal Applications
HS13 - Water-related Hazards and Their Forecasting and Warning
HS15 - Global Change and Hydrological Processes in Cryospheric Regions
HS16 - Hydrometric Monitoring and Data Analysis
HS17 - Characterizing and Modelling Ecohydrological Processes in a Changing Environment
HS18 - Extreme Hydro-meteorological Events: Monitoring, Modelling, and Climate Services
HS19 - Water-food-energy Nexus Under in a Rapidly Changing World: Data, Tools, Modelling and Knowledge Integration
HS21 - Sustainable Groundwater Resources Management
HS22 - Hydrologic Extremes in a Changing Climate
HS23 - Water Projects for Sustaining Socioeconomic Development
HS24 - Water Resources Comprehensive Utilization and Management Under Changing Environment
HS29 - New Technology for Mitigating Flood Disaster Under Climate Change
HS30 - Sensitivity of Hydrological Extremes to Climate Change
HS31 - Modeling of Hydrologic Processes at Catchment Scales in the Context of Climate Change
HS32 - Modeling, Tools and Knowledge Integration for Better Managment of Drought Risk in a Changing Climate
HS33 - Satellite Remote Sensing for Hydrological Applications
HS34 - Machine Learning Approaches for Hydrological Modeling and Forecasting
HS37 - Permafrost Changes and Modelling Advances
HS38 - Natural- and Human-induced Changes in Terrestrial Water Cycle
HS39 - Quantitative radar rainfall estimates and forecasts for hydrological applications and their uncertainties
HS43 - Pre-wildfire Monitoring and Post-wildfire Hazard Assessment
HS44 - Advances in Precipitation Forecasting and Flood Forecasting and Risk Management
HS46 - Advanced Modelling of Hydrological Processes
HS52 - Hydroinformatics and Urban Water Management Under Climate Change
HS53 - Hydrometeorological Extremes under a Changing Environment
HS54 - Hydrologic Extremes and Remote Sensing
HS55 - Disasters and Risk Assessment under Hydrological, Climatic and Environmental Changes
HS56 - Hydro-meteorological Forecasting: Methods and Applications
IG01 - Near Surface Investigation and Modeling for Groundwater Resources Assessment
IG02 - IG General Session
IG04 - Climate-resilient Sustainable Society - Interdisciplinary Communication
IG06 - Data Driven Modeling in Geoscience
IG08 - Interdisciplinary Research on Water-related Disasters and Practical Applications for Disaster Risk Reduction
IG10 - Advances in Carbon Dioxide Utilization and Sequestration (CCUS)
IG12 - Earth Observations from a New Generation of Geostationary Satellites
IG19 - Asian Field Campaigns and Modeling Studies as a Crossroads of Interdisciplinary Research
IG20 - Regional Climate Risk Assessment: Inter-/multi-disciplinary Approaches
IG21 - Interdisciplinary Studies on Heatwave
IG22 - Regional Collaborative Research on Air Pollution Sensing and Health in Asia
IG24 - Global Mass Transport, Gravitational Change and Earth Rotation
IG26 - ICT and Advanced Remote Sensing for Land and Resilient Infrastructure Management
IG28 - Natural Hazards and Disaster Risk: Historical Perspectives, Continuing Research and Collaboration
IG29 - Landslides: Interdisciplinary Approaches, Processes, Dynamics, Modelling, and Forecasting
IG30 - High-resolution Terrestrial- and Marine Proxy-inferred Climate and Environment Changes in the Asia-Oceania Region
OS01 - Coastal Hazards: Impacts of Tropical Storms and Tsunamis
OS02 - Ocean Circulation and Air-sea Interaction Over the Maritime Continent and Surrounding Waters
OS03 - Artificial Intelligence Oceanography
OS04 - Ocean Climate Changes in the North Pacific Ocean: Updates and Challenges
OS05 - Observing and Modelling the Complex Changes in the Southern Ocean and Antarctica
OS06 - Ocean Salinity Variability and Its Impact on Weather, Climate and Biogeochemistry
OS07 - Coastal and Estuarine Processes
OS08 - Regional Oceanic Numerical Modeling and Observations
OS09 - General and Multidisciplinary
OS10 - Acidification and Deoxygenation Both in Coastal and Open Oceans
OS11 - Sea Level Rise: Understanding, Observing and Modelling
OS12 - Highly Altered Coastal Oceans Under Increasing Climate Change and Anthropogenic Stresses
OS14 - Tropical Cyclone-Ocean Interactions: from Short-term to Climate
OS15 - Coupled Physical-biogeochemical Processes in Estuaries and Coastal Oceans
OS16 - Interaction Between Atmosphere and Ocean in the Northern Indian Ocean
OS18 - Biogeochemistry of the East (Japan) Sea and East China Sea
OS19 - Scientific Results from International Ocean Discovery Program (iodp)
OS20 - Multi-spectral Oceanic Remote Sensing Approaches: Validation, Algorithm, and Applications
OS22 - Geostationary Ocean Color Remote Sensing
OS23 - AOGS-KGU Session: 2nd GeoSummit Workshop on Coastal and Offshore Geology
PS01 - Jupiter, Saturn and the Ice Giant Systems: Results from Juno and Cassini
PS02 - Aeronomy and Plasma Physics of Planetary Environments
PS03 - To the Moon to Stay: the Artemis Era
PS07 - Exoplanets: Observations, Theories, and Modeling
PS08 - Initiatives in Regional Geoscience Cooperation
PS09 - Planetary Data in the Big Data Era – Archives, Tools, and International Collaborations
PS10 - Microwave and Infrared Remote Sensing of Solar System Objects
PS13 - Polarization of the Solar System and Beyond
PS14 - Solar System Small Bodies: Comets, TNOs, Asteroids, Meteorites, and Dust
PS15 - Science and Exploration of Mars and Venus
PS16 - From the Solar System Origin to the Planetary System Bodies
SE01 - Paleomagnetism and Rock Magnetism Applied to Solving Geological, Geophysical, and Environmental Problems
SE02 - Magmatism and Mineral Deposits in Asia and Oceania
SE03 - Volcanism and Earthquake Mechanism in East Asia
SE04 - General Contributions in Solid Earth
SE05 - Multiscale Seismic Modelling and Imaging: Methodology and Applications
SE06 - Upper Mantle Structures and Plate Dynamics
SE07 - East Asia Seismic Structure and Tectonics
SE08 - Active Tectonics, Faults, Large Fast & Slow Earthquakes, Earthquake Hydrology and Geochemistry
SE09 - Understanding the Geodynamics of Convergent Zones from Ocean-continent Subduction (the Western Pacific) to Continent-continent Collision (the Himalayan Orogen): Geophysical Investigation and Numerical Modeling
SE11 - Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization
SE12 - Deep Structure, Deformation and Dynamic Process of the Se Asia: from Convergent to Divergent
SE14 - Geology and Tectonic Evolution of Continental Margin
SE17 - From Tibetan Plateau to South China Sea: Observations and Modeling on tectonic evolution
SE18 - Active Tectonics and Seismic Hazards in the Himalayan Region
SE19 - Interdisciplinary Investigations of Seismic Anisotropy Beneath Asia Oceania Region
SE20 - Multiscale Seismic Imaging of Lithosphere Structures Using Ambient Noise Tomography
SE21 - Subduction Zone Behavior, on Coseismic to Neotectonic Timescales
SE23 - Active Fold-and-thrust Belts, from Present-day Deformation to Structural Architecture and Modeling
SE25 - From Earthquakes and Fault Ruptures to Seismic Hazards of Southeast and East Asia
SE28 - Recent Advances in Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Verification Research
SE29 - Tethys Dynamics
SE32 - Application of Potential Field Methods for Imaging Continental Lithosphere: Geodynamics to Metallogeny
SE34 - AOGS-KGU Session: Seismic and Geo Hazards in Urban Regions: Imaging, Monitoring, Modelling, and Prediction
SE35 - Recent Advances in Understanding Deformation Microstructures
SE38 - Development and Application of Microbeam Techniques for Accessory Minerals
SE40 - Magmatic, Volcanic and Tectonic Processes, Products, and Impacts
SE41 - Geoscience Advances through Machine Learning, Data Assimilation and High Performance Computing and Non-earthquake Seismology
SS01 - The Asian Monsoon in a Changing Climate
SS02 - Satellite Radar/SAR Missions for Interdisciplinary Geosciences
SS03 - Space Agency Remote Sensing of the Earth
SS04 - The Geologic Evolution of NE Asia
SS05 - Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in Geosciences
ST01 - Particle Acceleration and Transport at the Sun and in the Heliosphere
ST04 - Use of Nano/microsatellites for Solar-terrestrial and Planetary Studies
ST06 - Normal and Severe Space Weather in Sun-earth System
ST07 - Turbulence and Particle Energization in Space, Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas
ST09 - New Results from COSMIC 2, GOLD, and ICON Missions
ST10-PS06 - Future and Current Space Missions and Instrumentation for Space and Planetary Science
ST11 - Global Upper Atmosphere Response to External Forcing from Above and Below
ST14 - Energetic Particle Influence on the Earth’s Environment
ST15 - Influence of Waves and Instabilities in Space Plasma Dynamics
ST16 - Upper Atmospheric Responses to Solar and Magnetospheric Drivers in the Polar Region
ST18 - Magnetic Reconnection and Associated Multi-scale Coupling in the Collisionless Environments
ST19 - Advances on Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances
ST20 - Dayside Magnetosphere Interactions
ST22 - MHD Wave Processes in the Solar Atmosphere
ST23 - Data-driven Modeling of the Magnetized Solar Corona – Time-dependent Simulations and Sequences of Static Solutions
ST24 - Dynamical Processes in the High-latitude Ionosphere and Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling
ST25 - Recent Advances in Observations and Modeling of Low and Middle Latitude Ionospheric Electron Density Irregularities
ST26 - Wave Propagation and Wave-particle Interaction in the Inner Magnetosphere - Multi-point Measurements, Modeling, Simulation and Theory
ST27 - Origin, Propagation, and Heliospheric Impact of Magnetic Flux Ropes from the Sun
ST28 - Solar Magneto-convection in the Solar Lower Atmosphere: High Resolution Observations and Numerical Simulations
ST31 - General Session in Solar and Terrestrial Sciences Including Space Weather
ST33 - Particle-wave Interactions and Couplings Among the Solar, Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Thermosphere
ST34 - Remotely-sensed Solar and Heliospheric Observations and Modeling Validated Using Earth and Planetary Probe Measurements
ST35 - Cross-Scale Coupling In Magnetospheric Boundary Layers: Interplay Between Micro And Macro Processes
ST36 - Geospace Observation of Natural Hazards